How Can I Help You? Tell Me!

I'm building something exciting, and I want it to be as useful to you as possible.


Can I get your opinion on something?

I am developing a membership group — so we can interact directly, and I can be as useful to you as possible.

But I want to build it around what YOU really want. As a subscriber, you’re exactly who I want to hear from, so I can create something invaluable to you and the situations you’re in.

Will you help me do that?

Click here to share your opinion with me by this Thursday, at midnight Eastern. It takes less than 5 minutes.

I’ll choose one person at random to send a special gift to.

And because I love sharing what I've learned...

If you ever want to survey people — as a way of building things that people will love — then this survey can serve as a useful example.

Why? Because this survey was created by a friend who surveys people for a living, and she blew my mind with the psychology behind it. I'll share what she taught me in a newsletter later this week.

For now, please fill out the survey so I can build something perfect for you!

Thank you. I'm excited for what comes next.